Hidden from behind factories in Yuen Long.....treasures that local people could easily miss. Reeds creating a wonderful scene and sea birds a spectacular view.
30 December 2006
小冷水 & 元朗豐樂圍
Hidden from behind factories in Yuen Long.....treasures that local people could easily miss. Reeds creating a wonderful scene and sea birds a spectacular view.
28 December 2006
17 December 2006
Long Valley & Wetland Park
10 December 2006
Dragon Back
03 December 2006
25 November 2006
17 November 2006
31 October 2006
29 October 2006
23 October 2006
16 October 2006
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07 October 2006
在途中看到了香港蠑螈(Hong Kong Newt),還有個阿伯在水塘抓了幾條.回來先知香港蠑螈原來係受保護的.早知就通知漁護署把這位阿伯抓去.
下次,各位如有發現,請電 21506978
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02 October 2006
23 September 2006
09 September 2006
31 August 2006
台灣中部行 Central/Southern Taiwan
We spent a few days up in the mountains of central Taiwan, enjoyed the spectacular views of highland woods. We made a song to memorise our trip...."Mommy lioness, Sophie, Greta, Alishan hiking, happy all around. Red cypress trees, two thousand three hundred years old, forty-five meters high, up in the sky, so beautiful.....".
Driving around the mountains can be dangerous and on every turn in the fog, I thank the Lord for keeping us safe. The small wooden house in ZhingGian, gigantic tress in Alishan, wood-hiking in Fengzihu and Hehuanshan are all impressirve in their own ways.
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21 August 2006
南嶺國家森林公園 Nanling National Forrest Park in Northern Guangdong, China
Nanling is a nature reserve located between Northern Guangdong and Hu Nai, with numerous scenic spots for nature lovers. 南嶺是在粵北與湖南交界的一處自然保護區。景點有親水谷,小黃山,莽山,九重山瀑布群,通天籮地下森林和廣東第一峰‥石坑崆,風景秀麗。
It is the first time that Rick left the family for his own hiking expedition outside of Hong Kong. We feel very pleased that he enjoys his trip thoroughly. Rick stayed in the Orange House! 這是我第一次在境外”行山”,感覺很特別。

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22 July 2006
沙羅洞 Sha Lo Tung
ShaLoTung this time has a completely different view from our last visit in winter. Not only do you see lots of flies - butterflies and dragonflies, you also get to see mammals that fly - bets! 大暑前一日來到沙羅洞。蔚藍色的天照得各人汗流夾背,1.5L的食水是每人最少的份量。
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05 July 2006
夜行大埔滘 Night Walk in Tai Po Kau
Quite unexpected to see fireflies in Hong Kong. Only a few of them would be enough to excite you in the silent darkness. Also astonished by the sheer size of an "aged" larva that is palm-size to a child. The close encounter of a huge frog, by local standard, was one of first rewards in this family night walk.
01 July 2006
香港仔水塘 Aberdeen Reservoir
Pleasant surprise for all of us in Aberdeen Reservoir. You realise summer is truly back when you see such rich species of animals in one short trip. The fishery and argricultural department is building an insect path for children right at the entrance of the park. Dark black caterpillars lining the underside of leaves, butterflies and quite a few mating couples.

以前很少留意這裡的小生物,今次發現原來品種十分之豐富,只是由入口到水壩的一段路已經是目不暇給了。玉帶鳳蝶 Common Mormon; 藍點紫斑蝶 Blue-spotted Crow; 白帶螯蛺蝶 Tawny Rajah; 報喜斑粉蝶 Red-base Jezebel; 沾邊裙弄蝶 Water Snow Flat; 和不知名的甲蟲,蜘蛛,竹節蟲和蛙等。
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17 June 2006
赤柱 Stanley
A very short walk from the buzzing Stanley market and Murray House took us to a rather quiet spot.
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11 June 2006
米埔 Mai Po Wetland Reserve
Rick's first time to the Mai Po Wetland Reserve has been most fruitful. Can't imagine such close encounter with rather large avian species.
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04 June 2006
雨後的大潭水塘 Tai Tam Reservoir in full capacity
Tai Tam is always welcoming, always refreshing. Beautiful in its own ways when full or half-full. We can't help taking photos of this stunning bridge no matter how often we pass by.
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03 June 2006
夜行大埔滘Night walk in Tai Po Kau in a group
First night walk in the Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, one of our familiar hiking places. Astonished by the ability for the group to spot so many types of stick insects, and this cute frog on the cover page (the toes are lovely). This is also one of the few sites where you can almost always see fireflies along brooks or streams in the right season. Not a large number, but enough to get you excited in the dark.
此次同行有Apple, Maggie, Ming, Mandy, Bryan, Kenny 和 Steven。
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07 May 2006
東平洲 Tung Ping Chau
A faraway island to the east of the territory, Tung Ping Chau is an extremely flat and huge piece of sedimentary rock. Spectacular views all around the island due to its unique physical geography. Highly recommended.
02 May 2006
01 May 2006
焦坑 Tsiu Hang, Sai Kung
The Lions Nature Education Centre is a good starting point for beginners to see a bit of everything. There are permanent exhibition halls and a small patch of farm land in the middle. You must also visit the cafeteria which is run by people who are deaf and/or mute to show them some support.
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30 April 2006
The Red Walk, Tai Po Kau 大埔滘自然護理區 ... 紅路
One of our favourite hiking places is Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, with four walk paths that suit different people's need, starting from Red, Blue, Brown to Yellow. We fall in love with the Brown Walk the first time we went through. The path was laid with yellowish-brown leaves and both sides lined by welcoming bamboo trees.
All Walks lead you to a small educational path with several species of fruit trees, attracting a variety of butterflies. We once saw a butterfly laying eggs on one of the leaves and was absolutely amased.
The Pale Grass Blue is a tiny butterfly which can be found all over Tai Po Kau. The reverse of the wings is in blue. Interesting contrast.
21 April 2006
第八屆生態導賞 Eco-tourism course
City-dwellers learning to appreciate, respect and protect nature in a crash course. Very rewarding afterall.
在三月參加了一個由旅行家舉辦的生態導賞課程。課程已是第八屆了。這個課程很特別,有部份導師和攪手是早屆的學員。當然他們本身對所教之科目已有相當研究的了,如竹子專家Steven,和地質異象大師Young Sir等。
課程每週兩堂各三小時理論課,及每週日field trip。都認真密集。整個課程開了很多眼界和認識了一班新朋友。
Amana 表演了用十五分鐘介紹自己的Interpreter功架。
Ken Sir 帶我遊花園 ... 學認植物。
Samson 除了表演聽聲認雀絕技,更令我們大開單筒望遠鏡的眼界。雖然冇錢買,但很多同學在往後的field trip都帶備了演唱會或跑馬仔望遠鏡。
Young Sir係D-day帶我一班隊員搶灘馬屎洲,發現大量異象,但始終冇人知香腸石在那裡。
Simon 由第一次field trip就開始嚷著要選班長。今次選得成,他的推動很大。
Bryan 好明顯係帶功學藝,實力超班,可以做阿Sir咁制。
Mandy原來很跑得,視力及觀察力也很好。唔 ... 職業。
Candy, Apple同Karen也是很有能力的登山者。
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19 April 2006
18 April 2006
荔枝窩 Lai Chi Wo, North-eastern New Territories
You can either go by ferry (special arrangements needed) or on foot.
Originally uploaded by Rick Lo.
八仙嶺自然教育徑 Nature education path, Pak Sin Leng
Originally uploaded by Rick Lo.
We climbed a bit of slope before path turned flat. Has a good view of the reserviour near by, its surface as calm and smooth as a mirror in a fine day. Lots of butterflies in spring time. An enjoyable walk for 2-3 hours.
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05 April 2006
Brown Walk, Tai Po Kau 大埔滘自然護理區 ... 啡路
In spring, you can see fungi growing everywhere in the Brown Walk. Inspiring in their own ways.
Skinks, toads, frogs.....
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02 January 2006
萬宜水庫 High Island Reservoir
We wouldn't have waited to visit the main (East) dam of the High Island Reservior if we had known that we could get there by cab. The children are young and could not have walked all the way under the sun. The view is absolutely spectacular in a fine day and worth visiting, once in your life time as a resident in Hong Kong.
The huge hexagonal columns (basalt??) can only be found in this part of the Reservior, which not only amaze you with its unusual shape but also reminds you the sheer forces of nature when parts of them were bent when formed. This is an interesting contrast to the equally impressive human structure of large dolosses just outside the dam itself. These H-shaped cement were carefully placed to reduce the impact of waves from the Pacific Ocean.
From here, you can also take a not-so-difficult walk to the most beautiful and unpolluted white beach in Sai Kung, Long Ke Wan. There is always a price to pay......no drinking water, food or proper toilet.
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