We wouldn't have waited to visit the main (East) dam of the High Island Reservior if we had known that we could get there by cab. The children are young and could not have walked all the way under the sun. The view is absolutely spectacular in a fine day and worth visiting, once in your life time as a resident in Hong Kong.
The huge hexagonal columns (basalt??) can only be found in this part of the Reservior, which not only amaze you with its unusual shape but also reminds you the sheer forces of nature when parts of them were bent when formed. This is an interesting contrast to the equally impressive human structure of large dolosses just outside the dam itself. These H-shaped cement were carefully placed to reduce the impact of waves from the Pacific Ocean.
From here, you can also take a not-so-difficult walk to the most beautiful and unpolluted white beach in Sai Kung, Long Ke Wan. There is always a price to pay......no drinking water, food or proper toilet.
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