A very short walk from the buzzing Stanley market and Murray House took us to a rather quiet spot.
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We simply love it! 大自然很美。 當您對她的認識增加了,她便會由一樣的山山水水變成活靈活現的花鳥蟲魚,樹竹蝴蝶,蜻蜓豆娘,蛇蛙蜥蜴,蕈類蜘蛛,甚至石頭也有學問起來。 您對她認識越深,她給您的驚喜越多。 來。愛自然吧.
First night walk in the Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, one of our familiar hiking places. Astonished by the ability for the group to spot so many types of stick insects, and this cute frog on the cover page (the toes are lovely). This is also one of the few sites where you can almost always see fireflies along brooks or streams in the right season. Not a large number, but enough to get you excited in the dark.
此次同行有Apple, Maggie, Ming, Mandy, Bryan, Kenny 和 Steven。
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