Pleasant surprise for all of us in Aberdeen Reservoir. You realise summer is truly back when you see such rich species of animals in one short trip. The fishery and argricultural department is building an insect path for children right at the entrance of the park. Dark black caterpillars lining the underside of leaves, butterflies and quite a few mating couples.

以前很少留意這裡的小生物,今次發現原來品種十分之豐富,只是由入口到水壩的一段路已經是目不暇給了。玉帶鳳蝶 Common Mormon; 藍點紫斑蝶 Blue-spotted Crow; 白帶螯蛺蝶 Tawny Rajah; 報喜斑粉蝶 Red-base Jezebel; 沾邊裙弄蝶 Water Snow Flat; 和不知名的甲蟲,蜘蛛,竹節蟲和蛙等。
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